User Profile

User profile with user-related settings

User Profile

The user profile is located at the bottom-left corner of your browser window. Your user rights are automatically linked to your login. These are assigned by the system administrator and define the possible working steps that you are allowed to carry out in the system. What elements show up in the navigation or the menu is also linked with your user rights.

When you click on the user icon, the dialogue window appears where you can see the logs out button.

User log out option

User log out option

Profile functions

User profile functions

User profile functions

Generated Exports

This smart function saves the reports that you exported from your account.

Profile Properties

Report Subscriptions

Here you can see what report subscriptions are under your user account. You can see:

  • Report Name
  • Subscription Name
  • Recurring Period
  • Time
  • Time zone
  • Status
  • Actions

Alarm Notifications

If you think you get too many alarm notifications you can control your notifications with this function. You can customize the notification subscriptions according to your preferences.