Updates and Release notes

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Software versions with descriptions.


Released: 25/03/2022 11:38:10 am


Optimizations on data fetching for alarms Acknowledged by info for alarms acknowledged on Insight Control


Showing data using “Raw Shape Optimized” on the Alarm Details page


A lot of bugfixes and overall quality improvements


Released: 10/03/2022 12:49:18 pm


– MCP V2 and LBR Integration

– Automatically connect to the cloud after the device commissioning event

– Equipment Definitions with rules for Gasmet Systems

– Span- and Zero-Check event alarm rule triggers

– Role-based visibility setting for dashboards, reports, and alarms

– Propagation of User-created Alarm/Suppression Rules from Insight Control to Cloud

– Automatic reconfiguration of Alarm Rules on Insight Control configuration changes

– Loading indicators on pages that previously only showed “no data” until loaded


– Alarm indicator numbers are loaded through WebSocket instead of 10s API call refresh

– Data in Ad-hoc PDF is now based on the time-range set in reports

– Data in Ad-hoc export of CSV files is now based on the time-range set in dashboards and reports

– Insight Control no longer uploads data that is older than the commissioning date

– Gasmet data automatic ingestion stability improvements

– Gasmet data manual upload improvements


A lot of bugfixes and overall quality improvements


Released: 8/11/2021 1:28:29 pm

We are pleased to announce the release of Version 5.2 of the Insight Analytics platform. Through continuous development of the platform, we strive to keep security at the highest level and deliver new functionality, improvements, and bug fixes.

Here are some highlights of what’s new in the release:

  • Remote Acknowledge on Insight Control

    Now it is possible to perform an acknowledgment on Insight Control from the Cloud. This works on both mobile and web removing the need to walk up to the Insight Control itself to perform the acknowledgment.

  • Raw Shape Optimized Auto-Aggregation

    We have now introduced a new performance-optimized auto-aggregation feature on dashboards that will retain the visual shape of a trend while only fetching the amount of data that is possible to represent on the screen. This allows virtually limitless periods of data to be shown in trends while retaining a truthful shape.

  • Ranges in Trends

    Now it is possible to select the ranges of a sensor to be shown in the trends as dashed lines.

  • Fetching new data on Zoom

    Previously when zooming in on trends, the data fetched up until that point would be stretched out. Now new data is fetched if it is possible to show more fidelity based on the data available.

  • Privacy Policy Approval

    Now there will be a popup declaring the Nederman Insight privacy policy for all users that haven’t read it. The popup will appear each time there is a revision to the policy.

  • Gasmet

    First release with support for Gasmet Systems.